1. All product is free internationl shipping.
2. We service offers delivery service in the fastest and accurately through special post delivery network system between the Korea post and the postal administrations of other 101 countries.
3. They will be delivered within 5-6 days to some destination countries (Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore) and within 7-9 days to other countries.
Required reading before purchase (click)
*Exchanges and refunds are not possible due to ignorance of the information that must be read before purchasing.
*Please click on the “Must Read Before Purchasing (Click)” phrase above rather than the installation and purchase instructions below.
How to install
· Align the direction of the pattern and attach it from top to bottom, removing the release paper little by little.
· Attach from the center to both ends, removing any air bubbles.
· If it is not attached exactly vertically, there may be a tearing phenomenon. In this case, please remove it for about 1m and reattach it.
· When attaching multiple rolls, attach them from left to right, and to connect the pattern, overlap them on the white space (0.4cm) at the right end of the wallpaper.
How to remove
· When removing wallpaper, peel it off very slowly at a 45 degree angle.
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